SURPLUS 余剰、剰余、黒字 A surplus is an amount of something that is more than you need. A budget or trade surplus is the amount by which money received is more than money spent. surplus とは、必要以上の数量、…
SURPLUS 余剰、剰余、黒字 A surplus is an amount of something that is more than you need. A budget or trade surplus is the amount by which money received is more than money spent. surplus とは、必要以上の数量、…
PIECE RATE 出来高払い A piece rate is a payment based on the amount of work you do (for example, for each ite…
PRORATE 比例計算する To prorate something is to calculate a payment, salary, price, etc., accordi…
2011年最後のご挨拶 2011年。ひとかたならぬお引き立てにあずかり、誠に有難うございました。 2012年も皆様のご期待にお応え出来るようなスクール作りを目指して参ります。 201…
RENEW 更新する To renew a contract, visa, etc., is to extend it for an additional period of ti…
EXPIRE 期限が切れる Something - for example, a passport, contract, or membership - expires when it ends o…
VALID 有効な Something - for example, a passport, contract, or other document - is valid if it was made in an acceptable …