ウェスタンオーストラリア州首相大学奨学金出ています! 2025年セメスター1向けのWestern Australian Premier’s University Sc…
A customer is a person or organization that buys goods or services from a business.
customer とは、ある企業から商品やサービスを購入する個人や組織、つまり、顧客のことです。
A client is a customer with whom a business or organization has a continuing relationship; for example, a business that pays for the services of an advertising firm; someone who regularly stays at a particular hotel while on business; or someone who uses the services of a lawyer, accountant or other professional.
client は、企業や組織が継続的な関係を有する顧客のことで、例えば、広告会社に依頼した仕事に対して料金を支払う企業、仕事で定期的に特定のホテルに宿泊する人、弁護士や会計士などの専門家に仕事を依頼する人などをさします。
EXAMPLE 1 : Our year-end sale was a huge success. I've never seen so many customers in the store at one time.
EXAMPLE 2 : Most of our new customers hear about the store by world of mouth.
EXAMPLE 3 : I'm sorry, but Ms. Jenson is meeting with a client at the moment. Can I take a message?
Shop 1 Ground Floor, 35 Clarence St. Sydney NSW
2000 Australia
http:// www.berlitz.com.au
ウェスタンオーストラリア州首相大学奨学金出ています! 2025年セメスター1向けのWestern Australian Premier’s University Sc…
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