Did CIDESDCO and ITEC help?
Yes, You need to have international qualifications to apply to Steiner.
SteinerでBeauty therapistとして働くには、国際資格が必要です。
Why did you choose to travel to Australia to study Beauty at ANCB?
I love Australia. I could have studied in Japan but I wanted to work in Australia or overseas, so I decided to go to Australia and study the subject in English. I used to work in a corporate environment as a PA and I loved my old job however I wanted to learn something new, something I'm always interested and something that enables me to work in overseas. I wanted to improve myself. I heard that in Europe, there are Beauty therapists who are in their 80's and still at work, I think it's great that you are able to do what you love for life. The decision to study in Australia was a turning point in my life. I thought now or never and I think I made the right decision.
Why beauty? I always liked to look after people. In my old job I would have to understand what my manager needed and go above this. This is similar in my current work as a spa therapist where I need to understand the client’s needs and wants and deliver an exceptional service.
なぜbeauty therapyだったかと言うと、私は人のお世話をしたりするのが好きで、秘書をしていた時も、Bossの要望のそれ以上に応え、喜んでもらえるように努力していました。これは今の仕事にも通じる事で、お客様の
I enjoy making people feel good about themselves. When clients say they feel great and relaxed I feel very happy, that’s what it’s all about.
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