オーストラリア最大規模「移民&留学エキスポ(Monthly Education & Migration Fair)」が、9月20日(金)にシドニーに…
Gray is the color of smoke or rain clouds.
When someone gets older and the color of their hair becomes gray, we say that THE PERSON or THEIR HAIR turns gray or goes gray. Be Careful! When talking about hair color in English, it is more common to use the word gray than “white” (as in the Japanese word 白髪).
gray は、煙や雨雲のような色、つまり、灰色のことです。年をとって白髪になることを、turns gray 、あるいは goes grayと言います。
注意:日本語では「白髪」と言いますが、英語では白(white)よりも gray と言う方が一般的です。
EXAMPLE 1 :My husband was rather upset to find a few gray hairs on his head last week.
EXAMPLE 2 :What color was grandma's hair before it turned gray?
EXAMPLE 3 :I think Jason has become even more attractive since he started going gray.
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オーストラリア最大規模「移民&留学エキスポ(Monthly Education & Migration Fair)」が、9月20日(金)にシドニーに…
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