BOUNCE (e-mail) (eメールを)返送する
If an e-mail bounces or the (computer) system bounces it, the e-mail is returned to the sender without being delivered.
bounce は、eメールが届けられずに送信者のところに戻る、という意味で、an e-mail bounces(eメールが戻ってくる)、または、the (computer) system bounces an e-mail(コンピュータ・システムにメールを跳ね返される)のように使います。
I tried to send you an e-mail, but I got the address wrong and it bounced.
The system probably bounced your e-mail thinking it was spam.
The system will be down from 6 PM to 6 AM, and any new incoming mail will be bounced back to the sender.
Enjoy the day!
Berlitz Australia Pty. Ltd.
I Call (02) 9299 8541 I Fax (02) 9299 7782 I
Shop 1 Ground Floor, 35 Clarence St. Sydney NSW
2000 Australia
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