STRESS OUT ストレスでまいる、ストレスでまいらせる
To stress out is to feel a lot of pressure or worry.
To stress someone out is to make them feel a lot of pressure or worry.
stress out は、大変なプレッシャーや不安を感じる、つまり、ストレスでまいる、という意味
s stress someone out と言うと、誰かに大変なプレッシャーや不安を与える、つまり、ストレス
1. a: I haven't even started working on it, and the deadline is this Friday.
b: Well, try not to stress out about it. It'll only make things worse.
2. I feel stressed out all the time lately. I think I need a vacation.
3. Pam used to get so stressed out from taking care of our five kids. It's nice that some of
them are old enough to help now.
4. All the pressure at work has really been stressing me out.
Stay cool!
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