さてさて、来たる同性愛者の祭典Mardi Grasを先駆けて、
今週土曜日、25日にThe Main DragというイベントがOxford stで行われます
例えばTaylers squareではMidnight shiftやStonewall(両方代表的な同性愛者が集まるnightclub)
更にOxford squareではフリーのマッサージやヨガクラスが提供されます
12.00pm CABARET a la RETRO Stephen Carrington & Stephanie Q
featuring burlesque icon Mia Mortal
12.30pm Miss Gaynor Tension. Singing classics from the show My Broad Way
1.00pm Trikone Australasia’s Bollywood Dance Troupe
1.30pm City Gym Zumba performance – workout open to all
2.00pm Maxi Shield
2.10pm Judging of best dressed Wizard of Oz costume hosted by Maxi Shield
2.30pm The Midnight Shift and Controversy present the production show “Rio Carnivale” starring Decoda Secret and Will Sabin & featuring Natasha, John, Rory and Marie
3.00pm Mark Moon Fitness.com presents mFIT™ cardio & core workout. Get energized with this exhilarating 30 minute outdoor fitness class guaranteed to burn fat and tone up your body! Presented by International Australian Men’s Living cover model Mark Moon
3.30pm Tora Hymen & Christina Dior Showgirls extraordinaire
11am, 12 & 2pm Bring your mat for Yoga with Finding Lotus
02/14(金) 10:00 現在 ★一般開業医(GP) 診察予約状況★ 【 02 月 】〇:空きあり △:混み合っている ―:満/不可 …