海外留学はどうしても費用が嵩むもの… 節約できるところは節約したいというのは誰もが思う事ですよね。 留学するからに…
本日からGluten Free Soy Sauceを販売致します。
White Labelは塩分控えめでさらに健康的です。
ご注文はsales@yesfoodservice.com.au までどうぞ!
We start selling Gluten Free Soy Sauce from today.
Although these soy sauce do not contain wheat, the taste is almost same as normal soy sauce.
(Normally, soy sauce is made 50% soy and 50% wheat).
Higher concentration of soy protein gives a richer and smoother flavour than regular soy sauce.
White label ones are for reduced sodium so they are very healthy.
We are also planning to start selling Organic gluten free soy sauce from begining of July.
To order, please send e-mail to sales@yesfoodservice.com.au
Gluten Free Tamari (Black Label) : $3.80 / bottle (296 ml)
Gluten Free Tamari (Black Label) : $15.00 / bottle (1.89 L)
Reduced Sodium Tamari(White Label): $4.50 / bottle (296 ml)
海外留学はどうしても費用が嵩むもの… 節約できるところは節約したいというのは誰もが思う事ですよね。 留学するからに…
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