シドニー・ウルティモにある日系ヘアサロン「Akala Organic Japanese Salon」では、期間限定の特別キャンペーンを実施中!…
ご注文されましたお客様は日曜日の11:00-16:15又は月曜-木曜の8:30-16:45の間に弊社まで引き取りに来て頂けますようお願 い致します。
Happy New Year! I hope it’s a year of health, happiness and many blessings for all of you!
We will be receiving some white radish from an organic farm in Cowra this Sunday.
The price is $3.50 per piece.
If you are interested in buying, please send e-mail to sales@yesfoodservice.com.au by 12PM tomorrow, 4th of January.
For the pick-up, please come to our below address either on Sunday(Between 11:00 – 16:15), or Monday to Thursday(Between 8:30 – 16:45).
Thank you.
Yes Food Service Pty. Ltd.
Unit 3, 6 George Place, Artarmon NSW 2064 Australia
P: +61 (0)2 9427 2219
F: +61 (0)2 9427 2214
W: http://www.yesfoodservice.com.au/
シドニー・ウルティモにある日系ヘアサロン「Akala Organic Japanese Salon」では、期間限定の特別キャンペーンを実施中!…
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