ついにイギリスのワーキングホリデービザ(youth mobility scheme)が発表になりました。
1.YMS2012-APPOINTMENT@vfshelpline.com まで申請希望者からメールを送信
2.UK Border Agencyにて1,000名を抽選
06 December 2011
The 2012 youth mobility scheme will open in January 2012. There will be 1,000 places available for applicants to apply to live, work and study in the UK for up to 2 years.
The application procedure has changed from previous years and applicants will be chosen at random and not first come first served. Feedback from previous years has shown that customers feel the first come, first served method of applying was unfair. We have therefore introduced a random selection method which ensures all applicants receive equal opportunity for selection.
To request an application appointment for the 2012 youth mobility scheme you will need to send an email to YMS2012-APPOINTMENT@vfshelpline.com. The header or subject line of the email must contain your name, date of birth and passport number. For example: YAMADA Taro – 31/01/1990 – TH123456789.
In addition you must state in your email you are applying for the youth mobility scheme and in which country you plan to apply from. The email account will be open for 48 hours from 12:00pm on Wednesday 4 January 2012 (Japan time) and will close at 12:00pm on Friday 6 January 2012 (Japan time). You will receive an automated reply confirming receipt of your email.
When the email account has closed, 1,000 applicants will be chosen at random. We will send an email to successful applicants by 12 January confirming acceptance, further instructions on how to make an appointment and what supporting documents will be required to apply for their youth mobility scheme visa. You will only be able to apply for a visa if you have received the confirmation email.
Only applicants receiving the second email confirming their successful selection are allowed to apply. A list of all applicants eligible to apply for the youth mobility scheme visa will be checked at the visa application centre at the time of application. Any applications received that are not on the list will not be considered.
If you are a Japanese national living overseas you must apply following these instructions and if successful can apply in your country of residence.
誤認や詐欺などビザ取得に関する報告もたくさんあるので必ずUK Border Agencyのサイトを確認してください。
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