
[City] Large Master Room


Erick Ko

Erick Ko


住所 Sydney NSW 2000
料金 $340/週(ボンド$680)
お部屋タイプ オウンルーム
ベッドルーム 3
バスルーム 2
同居人数 3人
入居可能日 即日
最低入居期間 3か月以上
性別 両方可
設備 家具 / デスク / 洗濯機 / インターネット / テレビ / 物置 / バルコニー・庭 / オウンキー
投稿者の他の記事 1件の記事があります

I'm looking for 2 girls or a couple sharemates in a big ensuite toilet masteroom
in heart of CBD city between Central and Townhall station.

All amendities are near by and quite good location. I will give you the add and google it!.

- 1min to World Sqaure
- 3min to Chinatown
- 3min to Central station
- 4min to Townhall station
- 1min to Post office (means that it's very convenient to grab any parcels)

This apartment is 3 bed unit and there will be 3-4 max living. Everyone are working professional now and international.

Each one will have highly secured own swipe key, door key and the mailbox key.

No one lives in living room so you don't need to do sneaky cook and can be chill and relax in the living room.

The gym itself with quite many machines and is available 24/7.

Beds and the frames are almost New.
Brand New Samsung refriger.

170 p/w per person. or 350 p/w per couple. (2 ensemble bes are available)
(Own single masteroom will be considerable as well. please contact me and ask a price)

All reasonable bills are included.

"I would like to have someone who is very tidy and RESPECTFUL."

Please leave a msg with your brief introduction then we can talk in further.
★ Also please mention that you saw the ads from [Jams.TV]
0452 479 242

周辺エリアの住まい / シェアハウス



個室 HaymarketシドニーCBD家賃

個室 HaymarketシドニーCBD家賃

独立したバスルームがあり、市内中心部に位置し、交通が便利でセントラル駅やライトレールまで5分未満で行けます。 - 洽詢/sms: 0481979123 email: wm1412111@gmail....
