
Strathfield third room(living)


Kelly Sunjin Kim

Kelly Sunjin Kim


住所 20-34 Albert rd Strathfield NSW 2135
料金 $280/週(ボンド$560)
光熱費込み / インターネット代込み
お部屋タイプ リビングシェア
ベッドルーム 2
バスルーム 2
同居人数 4人
入居可能日 2024.12.10
最低入居期間 3か月以上
性別 両方可
カップル 不可
喫煙 不可
設備 家具 / デスク / 洗濯機 / インターネット / ジム・プール / オートロック / 物置 / バルコニー・庭 / オウンキー
投稿者の他の記事 なし


I'm looking for a solitary sharing in the living room of Stra field Meriton. Each has a spacious room and a private balcony. Moving date from 10th of December.

*Options-Queen bed, desk, drawer, wardrobe, personal shoe closet, electric board, electric fan, 2 sets of bedders, tableware, very large and perfect personal space. I think you'll like it if you come to inspect.

This is Strathfield Meriton it's very clean and cozy, big room. Even if it was a living room, I took great care of it one by one so that it felt like a complete inner space.

(Internet and other options including bills are at your own's own)

Strathfield 's center position

Strathfield Station, Plaza, Woolwalls, Korean Mart, etc. are all within 3 minutes on foot.

24-hour security, swimming pool, gym, sauna available private key provided

Non smoking,no guest,no pet

Second Room Solo Room$ Couple$
Living Room $280

*Can be used in the underground parking lot

*Bond 2 weeks deposit 2 weeks kid deposit $150 minimum stay for 3 months.

Bond 2 weeks and key deposit will be returned when you leave the room.

0402 337 772 If you want more pictures, please send me a message:)

*If you are an inspector, I would appreciate it if you could send me a message as below (Inspection is available now)

-Inspection time and date, desired period of residence, date of move-in

周辺エリアの住まい / シェアハウス





こんにちは!Burwood plazaから約5分の好立地の家のシェアメイトを募集しています。ショッピング好きな方には特におすすめです。またシティまでの急行が止まるStrathfield までも歩いて7...
