Alerts for rental scams
【Scam Prevention Measures】 Alerts for rental scams on classified ads As always thank you for choos...
0431635299 /
住所 | Haymarket nsw,2000 Haymarket NSW 2000 |
料金 | $140/週(ボンド$280) 光熱費込み |
お部屋タイプ | ルームシェア リビングシェア |
ベッドルーム | |
バスルーム | |
同居人数 | |
入居可能日 | 即日 |
最低入居期間 | 3か月以上 |
性別 | 男性のみ |
カップル | 可 |
喫煙 | 可 |
設備 | 家具 / 洗濯機 / インターネット |
投稿者の他の記事 | 17件の記事があります |
Looking for Male Tidy & Clean (No party, No noisy, No smoking)
Looking for Roommate Male can speak english well @Central station
Roommate from Hongkong, Korea, Japan, Brazil
share room with mix nationalities males @Central station, George street
1min walk to Central station , TAFE ,
1 min walks to UTS , Paddys Market , China town
***** share room only 4pp/room *****
* Own key have 2 toilet in house..
* Share with Nice flatmate Good environment
* Live in multi nationality , nice and clean with Lovely fully furnished
*Gym& Swimming Pool in the building
* Wireless internet ADSL+2 Unlimited
- Price 140/w price incldue bill (no extra bill)
2 weeks bond 2 months minimun (All including bills)
SMS: 0431635299
【Scam Prevention Measures】 Alerts for rental scams on classified ads As always thank you for choos...
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