日本のシェアハウス CITY
日本のシェアルーム Budget share room , stay in clean rooms save $$ Male share room from $220 -245 Femal...
0450934593 / dakenchi_kazoku@yahoo.co.jp
住所 | Sydney nsw,2000 Sydney NSW 2000 |
料金 | $290/週(ボンド$580) 光熱費込み |
お部屋タイプ | オウンルーム |
ベッドルーム | |
バスルーム | |
同居人数 | |
入居可能日 | 即日 |
最低入居期間 | 3か月以上 |
性別 | |
カップル | 可 |
喫煙 | |
設備 | 家具 / 洗濯機 / インターネット |
投稿者の他の記事 | 6件の記事があります |
We are looking for person or couple who prefer to live in very clean and tidy own room.
! only 5 mins to town hall station
! includes rice, speedy internet
! gym is in a same building, cole, hospital dentist, pharmacy etc
are in same area.
! very convenience to live!!
! possible to have own key
If you like it, just send me a sms!
It is very popular room, so it's better get appointment to have a inspection right a way!
The rent is $290/per week ( a room) . need to 2 week pay bond. Just need to pay key deposit but
I'll give you back when you are leaving .
If there is any trobles during your stay, I offer you to leave out immediately.And then no refund the rest of money.
I can't pick up phone during day. So send me a sms and I 'll give you a call back!
Don't miss this time!!
Han ( japanses and English) 0433170778
☆タウンホール駅から徒歩5分のWorld Tower。☆
Own roomでの募集です。
$290/per weeks,〈お部屋〉
人気のWorld Towerとなりますのでご連絡はお早めにお願いします。
U can live from 01/24
Han ( Japanese and English) 0433170778
日本のシェアルーム Budget share room , stay in clean rooms save $$ Male share room from $220 -245 Femal...
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