住所 | 2/31 Victoria Pde Manly NSW 2095 |
料金 | $220/週(ボンド$880) 光熱費込み |
お部屋タイプ | オウンルーム |
ベッドルーム | |
バスルーム | |
同居人数 | |
入居可能日 | 即日 |
最低入居期間 | 指定なし |
性別 | 両方可 |
カップル | 可 |
喫煙 | |
設備 | 洗濯機 / インターネット |
投稿者の他の記事 | なし |
My housemate and I are looking for a Male/Female to move into our spare room.
Our address is 31 Victoria Pde, Manly.
The room is not furnished.
The apartment is fully furnished.
We have internet and a washing machine.
I mainly work from home and my housemate works a few days per week.
We live next to Manly Beach.
Rent is $220 per week. Bond is $880.
To inqure please phone Ben on 0402-190-400 or email Ben@benstephens.com.au
Thank you.