
Film roles for Kids & Adults


Louise Heesom

Louise Heesom


住所 Glenside SA 5065
投稿者の他の記事 なし


職種 シェフ・料理人 / 飲食店スタッフ / 販売員 / 受付・カウンター / 営業 / 経理・事務・総務 / 企画・マーケティング / 編集 / デザイナー / プログラマー/SE / エンジニア(技術者) / 専門・コンサルタント / ツアーガイド・添乗員 / 美容師 / サービス(美容関係) / 運転・配送教員 / 教員 / オーペア / その他
ワークスタイル パートタイム / フルタイム / カジュアル / インターンシップ
必要な英語力 中下級(簡単な意思の疎通ができる)
ビザ ワーキングホリデー / 学生 / ビジネス / 永住 / 市民権 / 観光 / その他

We are casting a major feature film shooting in Adelaide and are urgently searching for Japanese kids and adults to potentially feature in the film.

The great part is, no acting experience is required! It's paid work and all travel and accomodation will be provided for all successful talent (with an adult family member to accompany in the case of all minors).This will be an incredible opportunity for anyone willing to explore the opportunity of working on a major Australian Film Set.

The process is pretty simple - at the moment we are simply trying to connect with Japanese communities Australia-wide to find who may be interested and appropriate. The most important part for us, is to tell our story authentically and cast real Japanese people in these roles drawn from the Australian-Japanese community.

The work will be easy, lots of fun as well as a great educational opportunity for children.

Please find attached flyer.

For a quick breakdown (but this is more detailed in the attached), we are searching Australia for:
· Japanese girls and boys around the age of 10-13 years old. No acting experience required.
· Japanese men (who are highly trained in martial arts, 15-40 years old)
· Japanese women (20-30 years old).
· Also, anyone with Japanese ancestry who would be interested in this opportunity we would love to hear from them!

We have to find our Japanese girl and boy this week! But we also need to speak to anyone interested as soon as possible.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Casting Assistant.
Heesom Casting.
08 8394 2545

