0264575222 / sundeck@acr.net.au
会社名 | Sundeck Hotel |
住所 | Kosciuszko Rd, Sundeck Hotel Perisher Valley NSW 2624 |
ウェブ | www.sundeckhotel.com.au |
投稿者の他の記事 | なし |
職種 | 飲食店スタッフ / その他 |
ワークスタイル | フルタイム |
必要な英語力 | 中下級(簡単な意思の疎通ができる) |
ビザ | ワーキングホリデー / 永住 / 市民権 |
Ski Season Positions
The Sundeck is Australia's highest hotel, located on the skiing slopes of Perisher, the biggest resort in the southern hemisphere. The hotel accommodates 70 guests and has a busy bar and lunch trade.
We require the following staff who is able to work from now - late September:
Housekeeping/ Dining room or kitchenhand
Must be able to work for the whole season.
Applicants should have some hospitality experience and be prepared to work in more than one department.
Shared accommodation and all meals provided.
Perisher is Australia's largest ski resort offering a wide variety of terrain.
There is an opportunity to work in our other hotel at Tathra Hotel in the summer.
To apply: Email brief resume to: sundeck@acr.net.au