Looking for hall staff
This is Mikazuki Haymarket. We are looking for experienced hall staff. You will work 3 to 5 days pe...
4233394339 / haruna.mua@gmail.com
会社名 | Ni Hao Bar |
住所 | Sydney NSW 2000 |
ウェブ | https://nihaobar.com.au/ |
投稿者の他の記事 | 2件の記事があります |
職種 | 飲食店スタッフ |
ワークスタイル | カジュアル |
必要な英語力 | 中級(ある程度の意思の疎通ができる) |
ビザ | ワーキングホリデー / 学生 / ビジネス / 永住 / 市民権 |
【バーテンダー / バックバー募集】
弊社は、シドニーシティ中心部のPitt StreetにあるNi Hao Barに、バーテンダーとバーバック(バーアシスタント)を1人ずつ募集中です。
応募資格には、RSAを保持し、Ni Hao Barを一緒に盛り上げていく情熱がある方を歓迎します。経験は必須ではありません。ポジティブなアプローチを持ち、学ぶ意欲のある方を歓迎します。
Join our team at Ni Hao Bar! We are currently looking for a Bartender and Barback to work at our trendy and fun restaurant in Sydney City.
As a member of our team, you'll have the opportunity to develop your skills in a supportive and exciting environment. We offer flexible shifts for a Barback position (2 nights a week on Thursday and either Friday or Saturday) and 2 days a week for a Bartender, with the potential to expand into more shifts. Salary ranges from $25-$28 per hour (depending on your skills and experience).
Applicants must have an RSA and a passion for creating exceptional beverages. Previous experience isn't a must as we are willing to train the right candidates who have a positive attitude and are willing to learn.
Don't miss this opportunity to join the most popular restaurant in Sydney city! Apply now!
Email all resumes to Scott@nihaobar.com.au
This is Mikazuki Haymarket. We are looking for experienced hall staff. You will work 3 to 5 days pe...
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