


会社名 IIkura イクラ
住所 Bridge St Pymble NSW 2073
ウェブ http://ikura.com.au/
投稿者の他の記事 なし


職種 シェフ・料理人 / 飲食店スタッフ
ワークスタイル パートタイム / カジュアル
必要な英語力 中級(ある程度の意思の疎通ができる)
ビザ ワーキングホリデー / 学生 / ビジネス / 永住 / 市民権

Ikura Pimble, a Japanese restaurant near Pymble station, is looking for kitchen staff.

The location is a 10-minute walk from Pymble station.

We are looking for someone who can come in 3-6 days a week, mainly during dinner time (5pm-9pm) (closed on Sundays). Student visas are also accepted.

This is a Japanese restaurant, but there are a lot of non-Japanese staff, so you need to be able to communicate easily in English (Intermediate or above).

You are going to be responsible for the fry or grill department in the kitchen.

Wages start from 22$/hour. It will go up as you get used to it.

No previous experience is acceptable.
Restaurant experience is a big plus.
Those who are willing to work for at least 6 months are welcome.

Please apply to the contact address below with your resume, visa type and expiry date, dates and times you are available to work and your level of English (language school class level, study abroad experience, etc.) in English.

Contact: saydee0620@gmail.com

