
Bather / Daycare Assistant



会社名 Pawdressers
住所 liverpool street Darlinghurst NSW 2010
ウェブ https://www.pawdressers.com.au
投稿者の他の記事 なし


職種 その他
ワークスタイル パートタイム / カジュアル
必要な英語力 中下級(簡単な意思の疎通ができる)
ビザ ワーキングホリデー / 学生 / ビジネス / 永住 / 市民権

We are a pet retail boutique that offers dog grooming and daycare services to our clients. We are looking for someone passionate with an experience treating dogs, better yet an experienced bather. Schedule is flexible, but professional experience is important, we are happy to train the correct person. 
If interested, please send your resume and details to: info@pawdressers.com.au in English.

You must be:
Awesome team players, get along well with other grooming staff and personnel
Listen to our clients well to understand their needs
Are organised and can stay on top of multiple task
Able to walk dog on the park
Enjoy interacting with pups and their parents
Are precise and diligent
Work efficiently, hardworking, punctual and reliable professional 
Have stamina; cleaning and making dogs look pretty requires a lot of physical effort
An energetic, positive personality
If these characteristics sound like you, you’re barking up the right tree! 

