会社名 | |
住所 | 2000 Sydney NSW 2000 |
ウェブ | |
投稿者の他の記事 | なし |
職種 | 専門・コンサルタント / 教員 / その他 |
ワークスタイル | カジュアル |
必要な英語力 | 中級(ある程度の意思の疎通ができる) |
ビザ | ワーキングホリデー / 学生 / ビジネス / 永住 / 市民権 / その他 |
Matific is a group of deeply engaging primary school math activities for tablets and computers (www.matific.com).
We are looking for good primary school maths teachers for remote work to consult about math books and curriculum, and to relate math activities with the topics/subtopics of the curriculum and with book units.
The purpose of this task is to help teachers find relevant activities covering the specific skills they are teaching that lesson.
This is an ongoing job with flexible hours.
Experience with local primary school maths programs.
Access to hard / soft copy of local elementary maths curriculum, as well as the main maths textbooks used in kindergarten through grade 6
Reasonable level of English
Our website: https://www.matific.com/us/en-us
あて先:Michael Shmatkov shmatkov@slatescience.com