
Get second visa & money !!!!!





住所 108 ninth st Mildura VIC 3500
投稿者の他の記事 1件の記事があります


職種 シェフ・料理人 / 飲食店スタッフ / 販売員 / 受付・カウンター / 営業 / 経理・事務・総務 / 企画・マーケティング / 編集 / デザイナー / プログラマー/SE / エンジニア(技術者) / 専門・コンサルタント / ツアーガイド・添乗員 / 美容師 / サービス(美容関係) / 運転・配送教員 / 教員 / オーペア / その他
ワークスタイル パートタイム / フルタイム
必要な英語力 初級(ほんの挨拶程度)
ビザ ワーキングホリデー / 学生 / ビジネス / 永住 / 市民権 / その他

Hi. We wanted worker for Mandarin picking season!

We contact two big farm in Mildura VIC. That ganna be start second week on July.

If you come here before second week on July. You can start work about grapes pruning.

And when we start mandarin season you can start picking mandarin.

If you want keep work at grapes pruning you can.

We will keep both position until end of September.

After finish Mandarin&pruning season if you want keep work you don’t need move place.

We will keep contact ather fruits in here.

We have good condition accommodation for you. We have pick up car for you.

Don’t need waiting for work! You can work every day!

Of course~ If you want day off you can get day off.

Just let me know before you get tomorrow schedule.


Price : Mandarin($55-65 Per Bin), Pulling(40-50c per vine), Rolling(90c-$1.10 per vine)

Accommodaion : Backpacker and Share house ( 2-4pp per room $120~$150, Free Wifi)

Pay : From Wednesday to Tuesday, You will be get on Friday(You can get payslip on your Email at same day)

Shop : Coles, Woolworths, K-mart, Asian Market.. 10 minute by walk

Pick up: $5 per day, Including 1 shopping per week.


We are a registered Australian farm contracting company.

You don’t need worry about second working holiday visa~

And that is Tax job.

Here have lot of good people.

During work time we work hard. After finish work, We play hard.

I hope you join us and make lot a good memories.

We will wait your contact!^^

We are working at the farm so sometime our signal is not good.

When you try contact us sometime you can’t contact.

Then, just leave message to us.

We will call you back soon~ THAX


Jini : 0423 043 105

Daniel : 0484 336 682

