
Blackberry&Shooting(2nd O)


Jinhee park



住所 77 pine ave Mildura VIC 3500
投稿者の他の記事 1件の記事があります


職種 シェフ・料理人 / 飲食店スタッフ / 販売員 / 受付・カウンター / 営業 / 経理・事務・総務 / 企画・マーケティング / 編集 / デザイナー / プログラマー/SE / エンジニア(技術者) / 専門・コンサルタント / ツアーガイド・添乗員 / 美容師 / サービス(美容関係) / 運転・配送教員 / 教員 / オーペア / その他
ワークスタイル パートタイム / フルタイム / カジュアル
必要な英語力 初級(ほんの挨拶程度)
ビザ ワーキングホリデー / 学生 / ビジネス / 永住 / 市民権 / その他

Hi. We are looking for worker for our farm near Mildura.


We not move place, We keep work same place all season.


Of course, Don’t need waiting for start work.


We looking for Grape Shoutning Worker & Blackberry Picker.


After you arrive, you can start work from tomorrow.


We prepared accomodation & Pick up car from accomodation to farm.


It’s Tax job. You can get second working holiday visa.


At first, Grape shoutning!

If some shout don’t have bunch, we take off.




The prive is 60c per vine.


The job is too much easy.. If you try only one time you can be know!


And, Blackberry Picking!

If you have any little interesting about farm work before, you will be know.


Every berry is easy for picking!


So when berry start picking lot a people get interesting.^^


Easy work, Good money!


The price was $3-$4 per tray last season.


We just start picking.


So If you come now, you can save lot a money.


Accomodation have 2 people room & 4 people room.


2 people room is $150 per week. 4 people room is $120 per week.

We have 1 week deposit, 1 week notice before you leave the work.


Our all house mate is really friendship, accomodation condition also good.


You will be like here~


And we have pick up fee. $5 per day including shopping 1 time per week.


Coles, Wolworth, K-mart, Asian mark in 5 minute by work.


After finish Grape&Blackberry.


We never stop the work! We already have all plan until next Grapes&Blackberry!


Next is Fig & Rockmelon.


Fig come from small tree, and fruit is big. Should be easy.


Rockmelon will work night time, And can be little bit hard. But really good money.


Anyway, If someone get interesting try contact to me!



JINI 0423043105

Kakaotalk) pheeya

Line) pheeya27

