0433295911 / lcw2157@hotmail.com
会社名 | Tanys Restaurant |
住所 | strathfield shopping centre Strathfield NSW 2135 |
ウェブ | https://www.facebook.com/p/Tanys-Japanese-Restaurant-100050547205796 |
投稿者の他の記事 | 5件の記事があります |
職種 | その他 |
ワークスタイル | パートタイム |
必要な英語力 | 中下級(簡単な意思の疎通ができる) |
ビザ | ワーキングホリデー / 学生 / その他 |
Number of people: one male / You must speak and understand English.
Occupation: restaurant and Gym cleaning
Where:(pick up strathfield & drop at Parramatta)
Time: 5 nights(From Mon to Friday) / 12:00 am to 4:30am (4:30 hours / day), starting time could be little bit adjustable.
Wage: from $ 17.00 / hour
Training period: 2 days
Payment: every two weeks.
please send me your work careers through text message. And I will call you later.
(Please do not call me. Just send me a text message)
Contact Number: 0431149284