


jay jay



住所 Coochin Creek QLD 4519
タイプ その他
投稿者の他の記事 なし




We are looking for the strawberry farm workers!! wanted for planting!!!


hello this is strawberry farm at sunshine coast.


we are looking for the strawberry farm workers for planting start from second week of march.


this job is really easy than other jobs.



***********About strawberry farm season************


march~april : planting


april ~ may :  Trimmig(cut the leafs), picking&packing


may~november : picking & packing




What is planting?!?!?!?!?


put in the strawberry plant on the bed use small tool



Everybody can work here easily than other jobs.






include tax ,2nd visa ,work cover



Everything is regal!!




About 2nd visa count.


We count 2nd visa even farm day off.


but we can't count 2nd visa own day off!!








Location : At sunshine coast (near the Brisbane, 1hour far from the Brisbane by car).


working time : from 6:00 to around 12:00 (we finished early be cause after noon is very hot nowadays


               so u guy can have lots of private time and rest time when you finish your job.



share house : Nomally 2peopls in 1 room


              $110 ~ 120 p/w


              $ 200 bond




*price : $22.13 per/hour (2~3 days work a week)


            $35~40 per box (contract job 2~3days a week)




*2 asian grocery , Big showping Cretre, asian Restaurant, lots of park with publicn BBQ area..etc


 at this area.




when you work at here you work with lots of country peoples. and then  you going to get


good exprience and work at good atmosphere.


If you have a car i can make pick up peoples.(Save your fuel fee!!!)




******give preference !! exprience people!!******


please let me konw if you have exprience.



Don't mind you come before march!


We already prepared accommodation.


We are working with managers who has a lots of experience in farm work here

So you guys can enjoy farm life and then get second visa and make a big money as well!!





If you have more question, please ask me any time:)





 Mobile : 0422255527


 line : clue3