


住所 Sydney NSW 2000
タイプ その他
受け渡し 手渡し
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$90 only. スマート折りたたみシティバイク、大人用または子供用、シマノ、ユニセックス

Very reliable and ultra convenient. Go shopping, beaches, work, gyms, public transports or car mixed mode trips with this smart bicycle.

Trolley mode - When the bike is folded up, you can hold the seat and walk with it as shown in the picture. You can also put a couple of shopping bags on it to use it as a trolley. Very handy.

Riding mode - A very versatile adjustable bicycle. Suitable for a rider up to 1.75 metres tall. 5 speed options to go uphill easily and go downhill in full control, thanks to reliable Shimano Revoshift technology.

Mixed Mode - It fits in any small space easily, Car boots, a corner of the office, you can even take it with you on a bus or a coach. Great for work, holiday or just about any outdoor activity. Folds up and ready to go in a minute. Thanks to the impressive smart design.

Convenience - The bike comes with both a kickstand and a foot stand. can stand on its own in both trolley mode or riding mode. It also has a back rack with a spring clip to help carry your bag securely.

Retails for about $400.

This bike is in 100% working conditions. $90 only. Ride it before you buy it. Located in Sydney CBD. First come first served.

このバイクは 100% 作動状態にあります。たったの90ドル。買う前に乗ってみましょう。シドニー中心業務地区にあります。早い者勝ちです。


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