0401467684 / 0422351970 / cleargroup@hotmail.com
住所 | Bankstown nsw,2200 Bankstown NSW 2200 |
タイプ | 趣味・サークル / 飲食関連 / デザイン / スポーツ・アウトドア / ペット関連 |
サービス料金 | 有料 |
投稿者の他の記事 | 3件の記事があります |
See-Thru Strip Doors are an inexpensive draught, dust, temperature and insect barrier. Unlike normal door, they are easily walked through and offer a clear view through to the shop or room.
Measure the inside of your doorway and give us a call / e-mail free quote. We offer quick turnaround, low prices & high quality products.
Unit 5, 25 Hoskins Ave
Mobile: 0422351970 ( English, Chinese, Japanese )