0426233318 / kayojapanesehairdesign@hotmail.com
住所 | Chatswood NSW 2067 |
タイプ | その他 |
サービス料金 | 有料 |
投稿者の他の記事 | なし |
Kayo Japanese Hair Design are the professional Japanese Hair Designer team in Chatswood.
We are professional in Colour , Perm , Digital Perm and Shiseido Japanese Magic Straightening Service.
Currently we have Happy Hour Promotion if you booked our luxurary pacakage Cut + Colour or Perm + 4 Step intensive treatment between 12pm - 2pm weekday , there will be 20% discount
Please visit our website www.kayohair.com and facebook www.facebook.com/KayoJapaneseHairDesign for details
The Promotion is end until 30th of June, Our Top Stylists have more than 8 years experience in Japan , New York and Taipei and Australia Appointment 02 80218902 business hour (日本語 OK)
May Every Day a good Hair Day! KAYO JAPANESE HAIR DESIGN