住所 | Labrador QLD 4215 |
タイプ | 通訳・翻訳 / 経理・事務・総務 / その他 |
サービス料金 | 有料 |
投稿者の他の記事 | なし |
Conversion: $25 英文レジュメの修正のみ
- You give us your English resume and we update it into Australian style
Translation: $60 日本語レジュメを英文に変換及びアップデート
- You give us your Japanese resume and we translate into English and update it in Australian style
Cover Letter: $30 応募先に対応したカバーレターの作成
- We write a cover letter for you to send to potential jobs (along with your resume)
Email template: $15 Emailの定型分の作成
- We write an email template for you to send to potential jobs when you send your resume
Full package: $100 全パッケージ
- You give us your Japanese resume and we translate and make an Australian style resume
- We write a cover letter that you can edit
- We write an email template so you can send to potential jobs
※ for resumes, we provide 3 designs you can choose the style that best suits you
※ all work can have 1x edit to make changes you would like
Kate Yamazaki
email: yamazaki.kate1@gmail.com