A phone message is information from a caller who wasn't able to speak to you directly.
Imagine the following situation:
Alan calls Ms. Watanabe, but Ms. Watanabe is out of the office, so her secretary takes the call for her.
If Alan gives the secretary some information for Ms. Watanabe, he leaves a message WITH the secretary FOR Ms. Watanabe.
The secretary – by either remembering the message or writing it on a piece of paper – takes a message FROM Alan FOR Ms. Watanabe.
phone message とは、直接話すことのできなかった電話の相手からの伝言のことです。
He leaves a message WITH the secretary FOR Ms. Watanabe. と言うことができます。
The secretary takes a message FROM Alan FOR Ms. Watanabe. と言うことができます。
EXAMPLE 1 : SECRETARY: I'm sorry, Ms. Watanabe is out of the office at the moment. Can I take a message?
ALAN: Yes, please tell her that I won't be able to make my afternoon appointment.
EXAMPLE 2 : ALAN: Is Ms. Watanabe in?
SECRETARY: No, I'm sorry, she's out of the office at the moment.
ALAN: Then can I leave a message?
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