Monday 13 Mar, 6:00 PM
Everyone’s a Genius and so are you!
Speaker: Matt Vincent mnm mentor.
Discover how to get into flow by igniting your Genius and learn what your natural path to wealth creation is. You will walk away from this presentation knowing who you are and where you are – you don't need to know every step of the journey, just the right step right now.
Tuesday 14 March, 6:00 PM
Student’s rainbow presentation.
Facilitator: Greg Smith
Speakers: college students.
Join our aspiring entrepreneurs as they explore their passions and share their dreams. Be inspired by their stories and cheer as they take their first 'public step' towards their rainbow. Watch as they turn their passions into reality.
Email: emic@visanet.com.au
Tel: 02 9264 1911
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