「今週の相場の焦点」by Joe Tsuda (津田 穣) ...
6 January 2025 ◎<ポイント> ――1月の焦点はやはり米国発の材料→トランプ就任、米12月雇用統計とCPI― ・今週の予想レン…
今日は某社長との定例ランチの為、PITT STにあるSthフレンチレストランの「INDUSTRIE」へ。
前々から今度はClarence StのFineダイニングでフレンチレストランの「Becassa」に行こう!と予定していたのだが、前回の約束の日にちょうど二人揃って40度の熱が・・
↓ 赤印が今日のランチ
Les Entrées
The Entreés
Salade d’Encornets 18
Flash grilled Calamari with pickled beetroot, lemon myrtle and squid ink
Ménage à trois (1/2 Douzaine) 21
Fresh shucked Oysters three style with half a dozen
Raviolis aux crevettes sauce moules et safran 22
Hand made prawn ravioli with a saffron and mussel nage
Carpaccio de bœuf aux asperges 20
Beef carpaccio, truffled asparagus with a free range poached egg
Pâté de canard renversé 18
Duck liver parfait with pickled red onion
Promenade d’ Escargots 19
Bourgogne snails with pernod herb butter, oxtail marmalade and red witlof
Terrine Méditerranéenne 18
Grilled vegetable terrine with aged balsamic and goats cheese
Assiette de la mer 33
Oysters with an eschallot dressing
Seared scallops, sweet corn puree and crispy pancetta
Vodka cured salmon with pickled cucumber
Les Plats Principaux
The Mains
Daurade sur son lit de courgettes 35
Pan fried snapper, stuffed ricotta zucchini flowers and hazelnut vinaigrette
Risotto de la mer 35
Risotto of king prawns, scallops, calamari, mussels and marinated tomato
Lapin fermier aux poireaux 34
Snowy Mountain White Rabbit cooked three ways with baby leeks
Saumon de Tasmanie et sa bisque de crevettes 36
Tasmanian salmon with seaweed salad and prawn bisque
Confit de canard 34
Twice cooked duck leg with cranberry relish, shaved fennel, preserved lemon and duck jus
Blanc de poulet déglacé aux cumquats et aux chataîgnes rôties 32
Corn fed chicken breast, glazed cumquats and roasted chestnuts
Aloyau de boeuf et son dauphinois 39
Grain fed beef sirloin with potato dauphinois and mushroom ragout
Galette à la citrouille en Galette 30
Beetroot scented rice with haloumi, pumpkin, pine nuts and rocket pesto
107 pitt St. Sydney 02-9221-8001
6 January 2025 ◎<ポイント> ――1月の焦点はやはり米国発の材料→トランプ就任、米12月雇用統計とCPI― ・今週の予想レン…
24 February 2025 ◎<ポイント> ―下攻め(149.00)の見方は正解、さてここから??― ・今週の予想レンジ:148-151円(…