技術独立移住ビザ申請では、まず自分の職業を選択しますが、その職業が勉強したコースと "closely related" である必要があります。
新卒者ビザ( Skilled Graduate Visa) で移民局はこの関連性について指標を発表したのでお知らせします。
" ・・・ whether the skill set/s underpinning the qualification/s are complementary and can be used in the nominated occupation, in terms of both subject matter and the level at which those skills were obtained. "
Patry Cook = Cert III in Patisserie and Cert III in Commercial cookery
Archivist = Graduate Dip in Information Management and Associate Dip in Computer Science
Graphic Desiger = Adv Dip of Arts in Graphic Design and Dip of Business
Accountant = Bachelor of Commerce/Law
Translator/Interpreter = Dip in Tourism or a degree in International Business
(*以上は一般的な案内なので各個人のについては、移民局または有資格者(Migration Agent)にご確認ください。)
メール: visa@visanet.com
(Migration Agent Registered number: 92769, 0208479, 0213098)
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