Paul Nam Le “the Dragon”
1976年、ベトナム・ホーチミン生まれ。7歳の時に渡豪し、その後オーストラリア、母国であるベトナム等で生活をしつつトレーニングを積む。K-1オー ストラリア大会やその他の大きな試合でも幾度チャンピオンに輝いており、順調に実績を積んでいった。2003年には日本に招かれ、武田幸三と試合を行っ た。また、2002年にはプロボクサーの資格も得ており、ボクシング・シーンにおいても好成績を収めている。そういった数々の試合を経験した後2007年 に引退し、現在はメルボルンの「Fitness First」(メルボルン・セントラル店)にてトレーナーを務めている。
Running, Run fast! Run for about 45 minutes per day to have a beautiful body!
What is the first sport you played?
Kung-fu, Judo, Tennis. Cricket, and soccer. In Sydney. And also back in Vietnam.
When did you start combat sport?
When I was 15 years old. I did weight training. But I got bored of this. So I started Kick Boxing.
What led you to K-1 competition?
I fought everyone in Australia and won, So I went to Japan for K-1.I was invited to Japan by Mr.Aihara for the K-1 competition. I trained and fought in Thailand. I won In Thailand. So then I can go to other countries like a Japan and New Zealand.
(オーストラリアでの試合で勝利を得たので、Mr.Aiharaが日本のK-1試合へ招待してくれることとなり、日本へ戦いに行くことに なりました。タイでトレーニングを積んで試合も行い勝利を得ました。そしてその後は、日本やニュージーランドと同じように他の国へも行けるようになりまし た。
Is Kick Boxing popular in Australia?
It was popular here but the major sponsor moved to Turkey in Europe. Now it is more popular in Japan and New Zealand. Football is the most popular in Australia.
Which was the most memorable match in your life?
Yes,It was…. One time In New Zealand the crowd were very bad to me, they were Booing “Boo Boo”. It just made me fight harder. But I lost by one point for the World Mauy Thai Title/championship. Very unlucky.
Anyway,Who is the best fighter in K-1 now?
Remmy bonyasky. I trained at the same camp as him in Thailand with peter Aerts. He is nice guy and he has a big heart,very good hands, knees and a big head and leg-kick. Very powerful and explosive fighter.
Do you like his style?
Yes. I like it. My style is very similar.
If you are still fighting, Can you beat him?
No, he is in a different weight division. I want to fight Masato. I challenged him in 2003. After i defeated Kozo Tekada.
How was he?
He was good person. I want to have a match with him again.
Now you are a trainer? What do you do maintain your body?
I do a lot of weight training. And I do Kick Boxing once a week at my old gym. I also do martial Arts.
What is the best exercise to do to have a beautiful body?
Running, Run fast! Run for about 45 minutes per day, every day with boxing, kickboxing and also Thai-boxing. It’s a full-body workout. You get an Aerobic and Anaerobic workout. Good for the mind, heart and body.
But I think it is difficult to do it by yourself.
I had a running coach for 3 months. It’s important to learn to run correctly.
Can we learn to do it here?
Yes. And I teach classes for kickboxing here on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Fitness First at 7:30.
How many people in your class?
Up to 4 people. It’s a small group of men and women. I also train about 40 people privately one on one.
you gotta keep going! Always keep going!There is not limit!
What are the good and bad points about being a fighter?
A bad point is that people don’t thing you are intelligent. But I tell them if you’re a good fighter your intelligent, if you’re a bad fighter you are not. A good fighter has to be smart.
I had 52 fights and won 80% of them and my face is still pretty.
Kickboxing can be dangerous but it’s not as dangerous as boxing as there are more head shots in boxing.
(悪い点は、ファイターは頭がよくないと思われることですね。しかし僕は彼等に教えてあげたいですね。もし君が聡明な人間であれば試合で 勝てるだろうけど、そうでなければ負けるよと。強い選手というのは賢くないといけないのです。実際、僕は52人の選手と戦ってきましたが、8割の確率で勝 ちました。しかも僕の顔はキレイなままでしょ?(笑)キック・ボクシングはボクシングのように危険ではないと思います。ボクシングは頭に打撃を受けるので 危ないですから。)
Have you ever been seriously hurt?
Yeah my left eye got hurt pretty bad and my optometrist said if I didn’t stop I would go blind.
Do you have any ambition to enter the ring again?
Probably not, although I do miss kickboxing. I’m worried about my eye. Also my trainer has left and lives in Thailand now, and my other trainer is in Western Australia so it’s difficult to return to the ring.
Do you like Melbourne?
Yeah everything is easy to get to. It’s easy to get around, not like Tokyo, it’s too busy.
What’s your next dream?
I wanted to fight in a K1 Max, but I didn’t get an invitation. I won over there but I never was invited back, I don’t know why. So I retired. I wanted to fight in America and Europe also but it didn’t happened. I hope to have a good happen in the future.
(本当はK-1Maxで戦いたかったのですが、残念ながら招待されませんでした。何故なのかは分かりませんが、試合に勝っても声がかかる ことはなく…なのでその夢は諦めました。アメリカやヨーロッパでも戦いたかったのですが、結局それも叶わぬままです。今後は何か良いことがあるといいです ね。)
What’s your moto?
“The world will step aside for a person who knows where they are going”. Just keep going. When I come up for a big fight I say “step aside everybody, I’m going straight through!”
It’s nice,Can you give me a message to share with everyone?
If you guys want to fight the one thing you gotta remember is “don’t stop till they drop!” you gotta keep going! Always keep going! Always progressing, getting better, and better. There is not limit!
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