はじめに こんにちは! 今回は、ワーホリ準備中の方に向けて、初期費用についてリアルに解説していきます。 結論から言うと、…
on Saturday, 14th November
Would you like to have Japanese culture experience such as flower arrangement, calligraphy, making Japanese bookmark and etc?
Have you ever worn Japanese costume??
Don’t you want to take a beginner lesson??
The biggest events are Japanese bingo!
There are more than 20 Japanese items for your prize!
All of events are free!!
Let’s join JALC Festival!!
JALC(Japan Australia Language Centre) is・・・
to popularize Japanese language to all over the world.
We have a Japanese teacher training course, and Japanese lesson as well.
Native Japanese: Do you want to get a Japanese teacher certificate?
Non-native Japanese: Do you want to study Japanese?
You can also enjoy Japanese food for reasonable price, Takoyaki,Hand roll sushi, Rice ball, Red bean sweet and etc.
If you would like to obtain more information about our festival,
please feel free to contact us!
JALC(Japan Australia Language Centre)
Location: suite 301,332-336 Pitt St.,
Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: 02-9283-3994
We are looking forward to meeting you at JALC.
はじめに こんにちは! 今回は、ワーホリ準備中の方に向けて、初期費用についてリアルに解説していきます。 結論から言うと、…
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