インビザラインとは インビザライン日本 https://www.invisalign.co.jp/ 従来のワイヤー矯正とは全く異なる、マウスピ…
"Tyrrany of shoulds"
I should be liked and approved of by everyone
I should always be successful in the things that I do
I should always do things perfectly
I should be thin/muscular/sexy, etc
I should always look good
I should have a boyfriend/girlfriend
I should be the same as everyone else (I shouldn't be different)
I should feel confident in every situation
I should be clear about my future and know where I am heading
I should always say the right things at the right time
I should always be able to meet other people's expectations
I should always do what people want
I should always feel calm and in control
I should always be happy
I should never make mistakes
I should put other people's need before my own
I should never say anything that might make other people feel uncomfortable
I should always make the right decisions.
シドニーこころの相談室 (サイコロジスト やのしおり)
St. James Trust Building, Suite 219, Level 2, 185 Elizabeth Steet, Sydney 2000
インビザラインとは インビザライン日本 https://www.invisalign.co.jp/ 従来のワイヤー矯正とは全く異なる、マウスピ…
急募!セカンド対象、 高時給レセプション業有り!西オーストラリア宿泊施設 西オーストラリア州の観光地として有名なブル…