ワーホリでもチャイルドケアのCertificateが取れる! ノースシドニーにある専門学校が、11月から新たに17週のみのチャイル…
To leave something to the last minute is to wait as long as possible to do it, usually until
just before it has to be done.
leave something to the last minute は、何かをするのをできるだけ、通常、やらなければ
1. It’s absolutely vital that we finish the project on time, so please don’t leave it
to the last minute.
2. She’s left a big year-end report to the last minute, and now she’s really stressing
out about it.
3. A: Why do you always leave everything to the last minute, Jack?
B: I don’t know. I think I need the added pressure to get motivated to start.
4. I’m someone who tends to procrastinate, leaving even important jobs to the last
minute. And yet I never miss a deadline.
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ワーホリでもチャイルドケアのCertificateが取れる! ノースシドニーにある専門学校が、11月から新たに17週のみのチャイル…
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