インビザラインとは インビザライン日本 https://www.invisalign.co.jp/ 従来のワイヤー矯正とは全く異なる、マウスピ…
PHASE (IN/OUT) 段階的に(導入/停止)する
To phase in something is to gradually START using or doing it.
To phase out something is to gradually STOP using or doing it.
phase in は、何かを段階的に使い始めたり、し始めたりする、という意味です。
phase out は、何かを使ったり、行ったりすることを段階的にやめる、という意味です。
We're planning to phase in the price increases step by step rather than all at once.
The new fuel efficiency regulations are going to be phased in over the next five years.
The company is in the process of phasing out its celluloid film business as it converts to digital.
When it was announced that the space shuttle program would be phased out by 2011, cities and states across the country began actively lobbying for the rights to obtain a retired shuttle.
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インビザラインとは インビザライン日本 https://www.invisalign.co.jp/ 従来のワイヤー矯正とは全く異なる、マウスピ…