インビザラインとは インビザライン日本 https://www.invisalign.co.jp/ 従来のワイヤー矯正とは全く異なる、マウスピ…
in one's (own) backyard 自分(誰か)の庭で (修辞的)
A: You don't get the sense of humor. Your friend is just having fun.
B: Oh stop it. You are not being understanding. Imagine it happening right in your backyard. The situation would be different, isnt it.
die out 廃れる、だんだん無くなっていくこと
Mum! when you are being photos taken, your pose is such an old-fashioned! Those poses died out a long time ago. I will show you how to pose up-to-date,
love somebody/something to bits 誰か(何か)をなめるほど好む
I love that actress in the commercial. I love her to bits.
out of circulation 人付き合いの無い
A: Where have you been? I haven't seen you forever!
B: Yeah…new gameboy kept me out of circulation for a week. All I did was sit and play game.
a pick-me-up 元気を回復させるもの
I needed a pick-me-up so I stopped at a bar on my way home.
kick at someone or something 誰か(何か)をけりつける動作をする
I think the horse wanted to threaten me. He kicked at me. Well..of course I was not scared though.
have second thoughts 再考する
A: You are still coming tonight, aye? We are going to a bar first and then off to karaoke, in?
B:…hmm to be honest, I am having a second thoughts about it. I am not sure if I will. I will get back to you on that by end of today.
put somebody on the shelf 棚上げになる、棚上げされる
A sore right knee put me on the shelf for a week, and I missed a couple of Netball matches.
do the dishes 皿洗いをする
Please do the dishes right after cooking.
be pain in the neck, also ppl say pain in the ass.. いらいら、又はうんざりさせる人(もの)
Ugh…my parents keep nagging me to come home. They need help with something. Parents can be such a pain in the ass sometimes.
frk out 差し出す
Our neighbor forked the pie out to everyone. We wanna give him something in return.
インビザラインとは インビザライン日本 https://www.invisalign.co.jp/ 従来のワイヤー矯正とは全く異なる、マウスピ…
27 January 2025 ◎<ポイント> ―トランプ発言でアップ&ダウン― ・今週の予想レンジ:154-158円(引き続き乱高下予想)…
はじめに こんにちは! 今回は、ワーホリ準備中の方に向けて、初期費用についてリアルに解説していきます。 結論から言うと、…
はじめに 「オーストラリアに長く滞在したいけど、できるだけ通学しての勉強に時間を割きたくない…」 そんな悩み(または希…