シドニーにある日系歯科「ANBIデンタルクリニック@ワールドタワー」は、開院21年! 日本語堪能な歯科医に加えて、日本語人の…
In Australia, daylight saving time is the period from spring to early fall when clocks are set one hour ahead (In NSW is 1 hour. it is depending on the states)so that there is more daylight in the evening.
Be Careful! In English, we do NOT use the expression “summer time” like the Japanese サマータイム to mean daylight saving time.
EXAMPLE 1 :a: Do they have daylight saving time in Japan?
b: No they don't. That's why the days seem shorter here than back home.
EXAMPLE 2 :a: You're an hour late. What happened?
b: Oh, my gosh! Daylight saving time started last night, didn't it? I'm sorry, I completely forgot.
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2000 Australia
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シドニーにある日系歯科「ANBIデンタルクリニック@ワールドタワー」は、開院21年! 日本語堪能な歯科医に加えて、日本語人の…
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