
Want to become a Dog Groomer?





住所 Moore Street Leichhardt NSW 2040
投稿者の他の記事 5件の記事があります


職種 サービス(美容関係) / 教員 / その他
ワークスタイル カジュアル / インターンシップ
必要な英語力 中下級(簡単な意思の疎通ができる)
ビザ ワーキングホリデー / 学生 / 永住 / 市民権 / 観光

Petropolis Dog Grooming School is now taking students

Want to become a Professional Dog Groomer!

Are you a dog lover? Want to learn more about dog grooming? Or Improve your knowledge and skills to become a professional dog groomer?

Petropolis Dog Grooming School offers grooming courses which are tailored one of a kind, step-by-step course which has produced some of the best dog groomers in Sydney. The course includes basic concept, style grooming and the care and health requirements of dogs

If you would like to get more information about our exciting grooming courses, please contact us on 02 9569 1188 or email to petropolisgrooming@outlook.com.

Petropolis Dog Grooming School offers. is available in a complete package that includes training, marketing, State Licensing and more. Golden Paws program is a unique, one of a kind, step by step instructional program developed by Jacqueline Rauch, one of the finest instructors in the nation. This highly structured and effective program has been developed over 35 years.

Our goal is to offer the highest quality in dog grooming, pet safety, and customer satisfaction. To gain national recognition as Golden Paws. To deal honestly and fairly with all clients.

This program makes a complicated subject easy to understand and master. Like sewing if you have the skills you can sew all patterns. We give you the skills and knowledge to create all breed designs and individual client requests! We have such a proven program we are helping other stylists open schools nationwide! Experienced stylists are agreeing teaching "The Golden Paws Method" is the way to go! You will also learn many other aspects of dog grooming. Please visit our website for more information.

