大根:$3.50 / pieceとうもろこし:$1.30 / piece
ご注文されましたお客様は日曜日の11:00-16:15又は月曜-木曜の8:30-16:45の間に弊社まで引き取りに来て頂けますようお願 い致します。
We will receive organic vegetables from Cowra this Sunday!
The vegetables are as follows.
White Radish: $3.50 / piece
Sweet Corn: $1.30 / piece
We will not be selling next Sunday (20th, January) so this is the chance to buy. As these vegetables are no fertilized, no chemical, they can last longer than normal vegetables you buy at supermarket!
If you are interested in buying, please send e-mail to sales@yesfoodservice.com.au by 12PM tomorrow, 11th of January.
For the pick-up, please come to our below address either on Sunday(Between 11:00 – 16:15), or Monday to Thursday(Between 8:30 – 16:45).
Thank you.
Yes Food Service Pty. Ltd.
Unit 3, 6 George Place, Artarmon NSW 2064 Australia
P: +61 (0)2 9427 2219
F: +61 (0)2 9427 2214
W: http://www.yesfoodservice.com.au/
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